Category Archives: blog
Big Book Sale Now!
Hiya, Folks!
Yes, it’s been a while since I last posted anything. I am working on the third book of the Time Threads series. It’s about two-thirds done and I hope to finish it up this month. Then it sits for a while before I go back for the first edits, then a pass through the beta readers before the final edit. If all goes well, I expect to have this published by the end of summer 2025.
Speaking of beta readers, if you are interested in being a beta reader on this project, please contact me at
Now on to lowdown on this great book sale. About 20 authors have grouped together to offer over 40 books in multiple genres. Click on the picture below to go to the full book list where you can see all the great books offered. From there, you can click to go the purchase pages.
I’ve read several books on this sale, including Orbital Strain, CryoShift, Alyce Through the Lycan Glass, Dark Ride Deception and more. There are some great stories. Take a look. You might find a new favorite book.
As the holidays approach, this is a great time to look for books as Christmas presents. Even if the readers in your life prefer eBooks, you can still gift them through Amazon by purchasing a coupon code, printing it out and enclosing it in a card.
The book I have in this sale is Time Walker. If you haven’t read the first two books of the series, now is a good time to start.
Speaking of special deals, one of my favorite authors, Annette Marie, is offering a special edition set of hardbound, customized book from the Steel and Stone series. If you’re interested in supporting this project on Kickstarter, take a look at this offer at:
Steel & Stone 10th Anniversary Special Edition Hardcovers by Annette Marie — Kickstarter
That’s all for now. Thanks for reading. I appreciate you so much.
Merry Christmas
Secret Santa Promotion
Wow! Am I behind in getting this information out to you? Yes, I am! This is coming up on December 1st& 2nd.
Kick off the Holiday Season with Secret Santa Days!
Over 350 Secret Santa Authors will be gifting you books, gift cards, and swag!
It’s easy to participate. Simply go to Facebook page above and read through the authors’ post. Comment on any questions they have. We ask you answer each question in a separate post so the FB algorithm works best.
I will be giving away several items, so I hope to see you all posting lots.
This will be fun!
New Interview with Author Jacci Turner and Next Episode on Vella
I have two things to tell you about today. First is the interview I did with Jacci Turner, a Reno-based author. Jacci usually writes young adult books and her previous one Tree Singer was her first foray into fantasy. However, this interview was to talk about her newest book, which is a self-help book. It covers a subject many people might be struggling with in this chaotic times. It’s called Tumbled People, Deconstructing and Reconstructing Your Spirtuality.
I’ve talked to many people who are questioning their beliefs or struggling to reconcile their lives with what they’ve believed from whatever religion they’ve been following. In this book, Jacci examines this disconnect and addresses it along with a plan to help people reconnect with their faith on their own terms.
Unfortunately, the recording on Google Meet had a glitch and Jacci’s video froze although the audio continued fine. So you can listen to it and see me in motion, but not Jacci. Still, she has a lot to say and it’s worth hearing.
Sorceress Emerging Episode 29 is on Vella
I’m trying to keep a schedule with getting these episodes posted, but real life isn’t cooperating. Still, I think I’m three episodes from the end. You can find all the posted episodes on the Amazon page for the Vella story here.
If you read an episode and enjoy it, please give me a thumbs up and maybe a short review. I love it when people comment on my stories, so feel free to stat a conversation or email me with your thoughts.
By the way, the image for this episode is created using Imagine Art, an AI program that often returns some weird images, but on the sixth try, I got one that fits episode 29 where Cynara is discussing her defense plans with the prince from Minos.
Happy End of Summer, everyone. It already feels like Fall where I am.
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