Category Archives: Book planning

Thoughts about works in progress and how they develop. Back stories that may be interesting to the readers and some of the character development.

“Outer Rim” Release & Silver Age Comic Con

Hello, friends…

Whew! I saw Ringo Starr and his All Star Band on Friday and I’m still recovering from the high of that show! What a great evening and so many terrific songs that I actually know! It was so good. If you get a chance to see this band live, do it!

Now, I am excited about both of these book events  and eager to share the information with you.

First, my sequel novel to O’Ceagan’s Legacy is now out and available here on Amazon in both eBook and paperback. This novel picks up where Legacy left off and is an exciting adventure that takes Captain Grania O’Ceagan and her crew to the edge of the galaxy. If you like space stories with a bit of fantasy, this is a must-read!

Next, I will be at the Silver Age Comic Con in Reno Nevada with a booth on Saturday, July 8th from 10 am to 5 pm at the Reno Sparks Convention Center on South Virginia St. This is a fun convention with lots of guests in the comic book and television media from a few decades ago. Also lots of cosplay going on, so come join the fun. I will have books and jewelry items at my booth.  In addition to my books, I will also have some from Angelina Fasano and Brian Cave to sell.

Some of the titles I will have are O’Ceagan’s Legacy, Outer Rim, In Strange Waters (O’Ceagan Saga),  the entire Funeral Singer series (5 books),  Time Walker, Splintered Time (Time Walker series),

Funeral Singer: A Song for Marielle Time Walker (Time Threads Book 1) O'Ceagan's Legacy (O'Ceagan Saga)

Alpha’s Song and Beta Rising (Les Loups-Garous series by Angelina Fasano)

Alpha's Song (Les Loups-Garous)   Beta Rising: A Les Loups-Garous Novel

Old School Evil and Old School Evil The Rejects by Brian Cave.

Old School Evil   Old School Evil: The Rejects

In the same group of booths, we also have Jade Griffin with her Lacy Moore books and furries, Jacci Turner with her books, including The Tree Singer, and LF Falconer with her latest book, The Star Catcher and others, along with her Le Fey Jewelry offerings.

So, please stop by and see us and chat for a bit. I’m looking forward to meeting people!



Christmas Promotion – Lots of Books

I am excited to announce my book, O’Ceagan’s Legacy, is included in the Kindle Book Review Christmas promotion. All you have to do is check out the page, browse any books you might be interested in reading, buy if you wish–not required– then enter the Giveaway for a chance to win $500! Could it be easier?

The link is:

O’Ceagan’s Legacy is a fun, fanciful space adventure as we join Grania O’Ceagan on her first solo voyage as the family space freighter’s captain. While her grandfather, the usual captain, isn’t on board, her brothers are while they take the ship from their homeworld Erinnua (New Ireland) to Earth’s space station, which is where the story begins. 

Having time for a short trip to Ireland, Grania and her youngest brother Brendan travel to introduce him to the “old sod.” On the way back, they encounter an elderly woman wanting passage to Erinnua.

A short teaser for it is at the end of this blog.

New Book

One reason I am pushing O’Ceagan’s Legacy is the long-awaited second book in the series is nearing release. I’m currently editing it and getting it prepped for early next year. I had planned to have it out this fall, but personal issues changed my schedule, so it’s rescheduled.

Tentatively titled Outer Rim, the book is two stories tied together, so I am considering releasing it in two books rather than one big one. What are your thoughts on that? Do you prefer two smaller books (around 225 pages) or one larger one (almost 400 pages)? Let me know at

New Vella Story Starting

Another book that’s been divided into two stories is my Vella story, Cynara’s Destiny. The first part or season as we call it on Vella is complete. Part 2 is Sorceress Emerging and the first seven episodes are live in the Vella format. I am planning to release a new episode each week.

If you haven’t tried Vella yet, it is reading a book like a TV show. It’s serialized into 1500 to 2500 word episodes. You can give an episode a thumbs up if you like it, review as you’re reading it, and choose a story as your favorite for the week. The first three episodes are free to read, then you buy the additional episodes with tokens.  If you try it, let me know what you think.

O’Ceagan’s Legacy Story Teaser

Although London’s shuttle port status showed only moderate delays, the check-in at the gate still snaked around several roped stanchions when Grania and Brendan arrived. They didn’t have much time before they needed to board their shuttle, so they scrambled to find the quickest check-in counter they could. Brendan motioned to Grania when he spotted a shorter line near the end of the counters. Even with automated ticketing, it still moved slower than a range tortoise with a bum leg.

As she stepped into the line behind Brendan, Grania noticed an elderly woman standing near the queue. Her pale blue eyes looked alert as she scanned the passengers, appearing to seek a specific person. Around one and a half meters in height, the woman somehow stood out in spite of her petite stature. Flighty white hair formed a halo around her face as it tucked into a thick bun at the back of her head. She wore a shaded blue and green shawl wrapped around her bent, old shoulders. Beside her, a large trunk, about two meters long by one and a quarter meters wide, rested on a lev-dolly. Her eyes met Grania’s and held. For a moment or two, something about her gave Grania a chill, as if she recognized this person, although surely she could not have.

The sensation grew then changed to unease as the woman made her way, with slow, uneven steps, the short distance to where Grania waited in line. When she spoke, her low voice carried with the lilt of the land they’d just left, and with a sense of familiarity that Grania recognized as being like her father’s sister, Aunt Catherine.

“Excuse me, lass,” the woman said politely, “might you be the captain of a ship bound for Erinnua?”

Surprised, Grania gaped at her. “I am. How would you know that?”

The woman returned a kind-looking smile. “I messaged up to the space station to inquire if there might be a ship leaving soon for the Dragon Hold system. The stationmaster replied that there was and described you. He said you were downside, and I might find you here. I very much need passage, you see.”

“Passage?” Grania repeated, still trying to calculate the likelihood of this woman finding her in the crowd of people here. “You want to book a cabin for yourself?”

Nodding, the woman pointed to her chest, “Aye. ‘Tis just me and me travel chest. All I have in the world is in it, and I will not be returning. Just a one-way, lass. I must get there; it is a family thing, you see.”

Grania took a few moments to consider the space on the ship. They had one free cabin in good shape that could be used for a passenger. Unless Rory struck pay dirt on the station, they had room in the hold for the box. “It’s fifteen hundred credits for the passage, plus an extra two hundred for your cargo.”

“Oh, no,” the woman protested, her face falling in sadness. “I have only thirteen hundred credits to me name after the shuttle ticket, and I would be wanting the box in my room with me, not in the cargo. It has all me things in it, you see. Please, Captain, I truly must get to Erinnua. Can you not help an old woman out?”

She felt the tap of Brendan’s fingers on her arm and glanced at him. He dipped his head toward the counter, indicating the line was moving and they needed to keep up.

“Go ahead,” Grania said, snapping her head toward the line. “Keep our place. I’ll be along shortly.” She had it in her mind to say no, it was a set price; however, the bonus of the extra credits earned for a passenger made her hesitate.

“What is your name, ma’am? Are there no relatives here to help you?” She glanced around as if to see someone who might be watching this woman.

“I’m called Moira O’Cairn. And, no, there’s no one now. Just distant relatives on Erinnua. That is why I must get there.” Even as her eyes pleaded with watery-sadness, the woman’s name stopped Grania cold.

“Moira… the same as my twice-great aunt’s name,” Grania mumbled aloud. Her granda would not forgive her if she left this old lady stranded here.

“Thirteen hundred credits, you say? Well, I’ll not take all of your money, for you’ll surely need some when you get to Erinnua. I’ll take you and your chest aboard for twelve hundred.” Fated fairies, indeed. What were the odds of an old woman with her gramps’ sister’s name finding her in a spaceport? Undoubtedly, the fates must be at work, and despite everything, Grania still believed in serendipity.

Get your copy at Amazon or for Apple, Kobo and other devices through this universal link.

Remember to enter the giveaway though. You might win a great Christmas surprise!

Want to read Vella for free?





Hey, guys,

Happy Fall!

It’s been a while since I updated my website. I am suffering from “Too many irons in the fire” syndrome. That should be a thing, right? TMIITF syndrome. Bet some of you feel the same way.

Anyway, one of those irons in my next book release and it’s waay behind schedule. But I still hope to get it out before the end of the year. It’s the 2nd book in the O’Ceagan Saga series, and I’m really happy with the story, but still need to edit.

In the meantime, I have a story running on Vella. If you’re not familiar with it, the stories on this platform are serialized, so most of them are around 1500 to 2000 words per episode. Some are a little longer. The first three episodes of any story are free to read, then you pay for each episode as you read it with tokens you purchase from Amazon. Vella is intended for quick reading on your telephone and formatted for it, so it’s easy to squeeze in an episode at lunch or while waiting for a bus.

Anyway, until Oct. 11th, you can read any  Vella episodes you want during this Amazon promotion. So, if you’d like to read my serialized story, Cynara’s Destiny, the first season is complete at 34 episodes and available at:

I’d love it if you’d give it a read and give me a thumbs up if you like it. A review would be awesome, but not required.  Feel free to tell others.

Also, in the news, my Time Threads series book, Splintered Time will be going to wide distribution in the next few days. Once I have the universal link for that, I’ll post it here. I’ll begin working on the third and final book next month as my NaNaWriMo project, so that one will be out in 2023.

Happy Fall, enjoy the cooler weather and luscious autumn colors coming our way. If you’re below the Equator, spring is just beginning to bloom for you. Warmer weather and fun ahead.

Next time, I’m to start a new feature and begin by reviewing a couple of books I am reading.  Check back for that!

Thanks for reading and hopefully checking out my books. I appreciate your support more than you know!


New Promo and Two In Person Events

Have you tried Kindle Vella Stories?

I know I haven’t posted in a few months. It’s been a crazy year so far. Lots of personal things taking my time. But I am working on my Kindle Vella story fairly regularly and posting episodes every two weeks, more or less. And this is what my latest newsletter was about and I want to share that information here.

For the last few months, Amazon has been beta testing episodic storytelling via the Vella application. Right now, hundreds of stories are growing on the site, episode by episode, but it seems most of the readers are still unaware of the treasure trove of stories on it in all genres.

A bunch of authors who write science fiction and fantasy novels have grouped together to bring this promo featuring 57 Vella stories you can read in your leisure time. Got a few minutes at lunch? Read an episode. Waiting for the bus or standing in line for a ticket? Read an episode. You can read it on your phone or on your tablet, even on your computer if you wish. So, what are you waiting for? Sample an episode or two of any or all of these stories! The first three episodes are free to read. If you want to continue, simply purchase a token pack from the site and unlock the next episodes. Click on the image below to go to the link.

My episodic story is Cynara’s Destiny, a YA novel for everyone.
When an alien force threatens, a sixteen-year-old sorceress must learn to use her birthright gifts to save her solar system. Cynara faces opposition and doubt regarding her theories about a possible other world invasion from the planet’s governors, and she doubts her own ability to protect the whole the system. Telepathically connected to her companion, a frost leopard, the team sets off to discover the truth when crops start dying in the west and the river waters are fouled.

Currently, I have 26 episodes posted with a few more to come to complete the first season. (Think of it as Book1). So, please check out all the offerings and find out what’s neat about Vella. And while you’re there, be sure to give each episode a thumbs up if you like it.

Meet Me in Person

I will be doing two events in May in Reno, Nevada where I can meet and greet with readers.  I am excited to do this since it’s been a while.

The first event is Divas Day Out at the Grand Sierra Hotel in their ballroom. This is a fun outing for ladies with all kinds of merch at booths throughout the room plus sexy entertainment in male dancers and female impersonators. Plus, I will be at a booth with other Reno others at our Biggest Little Bookstore. We’ll have all genres of books for sale or to just browse. If you’re in Reno, come see us. The date is Saturday, May 7th from 10 am to 3 pm. I’d love to see you there.

The other May event is a book reading and meet and greet at Grassroots Book Store in south Reno. Six local science fiction and/or fantasy writers will be reading a short passage from their books and chatting with everyone. This event starts at 4:30 pm, with the readings planned for 5:30 on Saturday, May 21st. Come out and meet us.  Grassroots is located at 660 E. Grove St. in Reno, Nevada.

Update on Outer Rim

On a different note, I am currently working on Outer Rim, the second book of the O’Ceagan Saga series. I  plan on releasing this in October, so lots to do to get it ready by then. If you haven’t checked out the first book, O’Ceagan’s Legacy, you can find it on Amazon, Kobo, Nook, and Apple Books from this link at Draft2Digital.

Thanks for reading and for following me. It means a lot!

Happy Boxing Day, a new promotion and other news

Hi, to all my lovely tribe…

It’s snowing off and on here in Reno, Nevada. We had about 2 inches in the city, but lots more on the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Now the wind is howling as the next storm moves in.

Happy day after Christmas, known as Boxing Day in the UK. But here in the USA, it’s more likely to be Happy Returns Day as people begin to take back the unwanted items they received at Christmas. You don’t have any of those, do you? Anyway, Boxing Day, if you didn’t know, originated with Queen Victoria. After the wealthy people celebrated on Christmas, they gave their servants presents or boxes of items on the day after along with the day off to be with their families. These people in turn gave gave boxes to their loved ones.

These days, it’s a time when some people still pack up unwanted items or new ones and, sometimes, food, to give to the poor on Boxing Day. While it’s a charitable custom, the actual practice may be fading out a little. Still, it’s a celebration day in the UK, Australia, and other parts of the Commonwealth.

The other thing I want to tell you about in this update is….

Science Fiction and Fantasy Promotion

My novel, Time Walker, is part of this one week promotion that began yesterday and will run through January 2nd, 2022. I’ve discounted it to 25% off the regular price. While the first book is available for most formats (Kindle, Nook, Kobo, and Apple) through the link, the second book, Splintered Time, is only available on Kindle Unlimited and Amazon at this time.

So, are you looking for some new books to read during  the Christmas lull? Check out this great group promotion with about 30 science fiction and fantasy novels to choose from. I’ve picked up three new eBooks  myself.

If you know anyone else who might be interested in this promo, please share the link with them. The more the merrier!

Update on Outer Rim

I am still working on the first draft of the  2nd book of the O’Ceagan Saga series, which is named Outer Rim. I have about a chapter to write, so I’m hoping to get that done in the next week or so. I have some down time coming up after the Christmas stuff, so fingers are flexed and ready to go. I just need to engage my brain.

I think this cover for it ties in terrifically with the first novel. What do you think? Like it? Love it? Let me know in the comments.

Vella Project am still posting semi-weekly updates to my Vela novel, Cynara’s Destiny. Currently, I am at episode 19 and hope to get 20 up later today, which won’t show up until tomorrow probably. If you haven’t tried reading an episodic story, go out and give it a try. Amazon is giving you 200 free credits to use and the first three episodes of every story on Vella are free.

The stories are designed to be read on mobile devices, except Kindles. I think if you follow a story, it will notify you when a new episode is posted. But keep this link for mine handy so you can easily find it again.

I hope you’ll take a look, read a few episodes and give each one a like. If you really like it, leave it a review. They all help my books to get noticed in the big mass of books on Amazon.

And that’s a Wrap…

Thanks for reading and I wish you a very happy ( and safe) New Year’s Eve and Day. I believe we’re all hoping for a better year in 2022 and more opportunities to get together.

Speaking of opportunities, I may be doing a book signing in Reno in February at Grass Roots Bookstore. More on that as the plans develop. So, until next month. Happy Holidays and happy reading.

Stay safe and warm.