Secret Santa Promotion

Wow! Am I behind in getting this information out to you? Yes, I am! This is coming up on December 1st& 2nd.

Kick off the Holiday Season with Secret Santa Days! 

Over 350 Secret Santa Authors will be gifting you books, gift cards, and swag!

Join the fun here:

It’s easy to participate. Simply go to Facebook page above and read through the authors’ post. Comment on any questions they have. We ask you answer each question in a separate post so the FB algorithm works best.

I will be giving away several items, so I hope to see you all posting lots.

This will be fun!

New Interview with Author Jacci Turner and Next Episode on Vella

I have two things to tell you about today. First is the interview I did with Jacci Turner, a Reno-based author. Jacci usually writes young adult books and her previous one Tree Singer was her first foray into fantasy. However, this interview was to talk about her newest book, which is a self-help book. It covers a subject many people might be struggling with in this chaotic times. It’s called Tumbled People, Deconstructing and Reconstructing Your Spirtuality. 

I’ve talked to many people who are questioning their beliefs or struggling to reconcile their lives with what they’ve believed from whatever religion they’ve been following. In this book, Jacci examines this disconnect and addresses it along with a plan to help people reconnect with their faith on their own terms.

Unfortunately, the recording on Google Meet had a glitch and Jacci’s video froze although the audio continued fine. So you can listen to it and see me in motion, but not Jacci. Still, she has a lot to say and it’s worth hearing.

Sorceress Emerging Episode 29 is on Vella

I’m trying to keep a schedule with getting these episodes posted, but real life isn’t cooperating. Still, I think I’m three episodes from the end.  You can find all the posted episodes on the Amazon page for the Vella story here. 

If you read an episode and enjoy it, please give me a thumbs up and maybe a short review. I love it when people comment on my stories, so feel free to stat a conversation or email me with your thoughts.

By the way, the image for this episode is created using Imagine Art, an AI program that often returns some weird images, but on the sixth try, I got one that fits episode 29 where Cynara is discussing her  defense plans with the prince from Minos.

Happy End of Summer,  everyone. It already feels like Fall where I am.



New Author Interview with Adam J. Whitlatch and a New Vella Episode

Hello, my friends and readers! I am delighted to post an interview with science-fiction writer, Adam J. Whitlatch that I recently did. Adam is the author of the War of the Worlds: Goliath book adaptation of the animated film from 2014. He also wrote The Weller, Vengeance for My Valentine, and the Temujin Saga. In this interview, we talk about the new installment on the saga, War Machines, among other things. Check it out.

I will be doing another interview later this week with a Reno author on a totally different subject, but it’s one that might interest to you.

New Episode of Sorceress Emerging on Vella

Promo image for Sorceress Emerging showing the Cantrese Council Chamber.

I’m winding down on this two-season story that includes Cynara’s Destiny and Sorceress Emerging, with only a few episodes to go. If you have yet to try Kindle Vella, this is a great time to start since the story is almost complete. I don’t plan to release this story as an e-book or printed book, so Vella is the only available place. 

Image and link to Cynara's Destiny.

In case you don’t know, Vella uses tokens to buy each episode of the story.

Image and link to Sorceress EmergingBy clicking on the links (the story titles), you will go to the story on Vella and find a link to purchase tokens. However, the first three episodes of each season are free, so you can check it out.

The image above is an AI-generated picture using It took many attempts to get an illustration close to what I was trying to achieve when depicting the alien Cantrese race in the story.

I am still working on the third book of the Time Threads series, but progress could be faster. I don’t expect to have this one out until late next year. And I plan to start a new book with NaNoWriMo in November. More on that later.

I’ll be posting my next interview in about a week.

Don’t forget, and this one is on Kindle Unlimited!“I just finished O’Ceagan’s Legacy and enjoyed it immensely!! I enjoyed her smooth writing style and she sucked me into her characters. Thank you for a well written original science fiction story…”     Reader review for O’Ceagan’s Legacy (Book One).

Starting a New Project!

Happy Hot August Nights! In Reno, that means many 50s and 60s automobiles roaming our streets day and night for over a week! It’s so cool to see these restored and beautiful cars from decades ago.

I also have some exciting news! No, I haven’t won the lottery, nor has Hollywood optioned any of my books! But I am bravely stepping out and starting a YouTube channel called Sizzlin’ Book Chat. My plan is to interview two authors a month who have a new release out or coming out soon. I say brave because putting my face and voice on a video is totally outside my comfort zone. By the way, I hope it’s no surprise to anyone that my real name is Rene Averett and Lillian Wolfe is my alter-ego!

The first one features author and entrepreneur Kitty Turner on her debut novel, Zone Trip, which is releasing on August 8th. I have read an advanced copy, and I can tell you, this is a sizzlin’ book! The interview premieres tomorrow at 8 am Pacific. So, please drop in to see it and give it a thumbs up if you enjoy it.

The video link is:

You’ll also see a short trailer for Outer Rim that I just completed. Hope you like it.

Silver Age Comic Con!





I had a great time at the Silver Age Comic Con in Reno last month. Lots of people came out, many in cosplay and it was a fun event. I sold a few books, quite a few baubles, and chatted with lots of folks.

One fun thing is that I partnered with three other Reno  writers, Jade Griffin, Jacci Turner, and LF Falconer so we had a block of four tables in a row with books, jewelry, and furry things. Across from us, writer Stephen H. Provost had his table set up.  A few more authors were in other areas and I’m thinking it would be great to have all of us in one area! Maybe next year.

The cosplay contest looked fantastic from what I could see from where my table was located. Great costumes!

Coming Up in the next few months

NaNoWriMo comes up in November, so I will be buckling down to start a new novel then. I’m in the pre-planning stage this month. I will also be doing a NaNoWriMo workshop at Truckee Meadows Community College in Reno. If you live in the area and are interested, contact TMCC for details.

In addition to that, I’ll be teaching a two-hour class on the Amazon Sales Page and the Amazon Author Page for any Reno area writers or budding writers who  are interested and want to learn more about using these pages effectively.

The third book of Time Threads is in progress and is about 60% done. I’ll be working on it for the next couple of months. I will also be finishing up Sorceress Rising on Vella. I’m currently at 26 episodes and have a few to go to complete that one.




That’s all for this update. Be sure to check out my new video on YouTube and leave a thumbs up if you like it. Also check out my new book and Kitty Turner’s book.

Enjoy these dog days of summer with a good book!


“Outer Rim” Release & Silver Age Comic Con

Hello, friends…

Whew! I saw Ringo Starr and his All Star Band on Friday and I’m still recovering from the high of that show! What a great evening and so many terrific songs that I actually know! It was so good. If you get a chance to see this band live, do it!

Now, I am excited about both of these book events  and eager to share the information with you.

First, my sequel novel to O’Ceagan’s Legacy is now out and available here on Amazon in both eBook and paperback. This novel picks up where Legacy left off and is an exciting adventure that takes Captain Grania O’Ceagan and her crew to the edge of the galaxy. If you like space stories with a bit of fantasy, this is a must-read!

Next, I will be at the Silver Age Comic Con in Reno Nevada with a booth on Saturday, July 8th from 10 am to 5 pm at the Reno Sparks Convention Center on South Virginia St. This is a fun convention with lots of guests in the comic book and television media from a few decades ago. Also lots of cosplay going on, so come join the fun. I will have books and jewelry items at my booth.  In addition to my books, I will also have some from Angelina Fasano and Brian Cave to sell.

Some of the titles I will have are O’Ceagan’s Legacy, Outer Rim, In Strange Waters (O’Ceagan Saga),  the entire Funeral Singer series (5 books),  Time Walker, Splintered Time (Time Walker series),

Funeral Singer: A Song for Marielle Time Walker (Time Threads Book 1) O'Ceagan's Legacy (O'Ceagan Saga)

Alpha’s Song and Beta Rising (Les Loups-Garous series by Angelina Fasano)

Alpha's Song (Les Loups-Garous)   Beta Rising: A Les Loups-Garous Novel

Old School Evil and Old School Evil The Rejects by Brian Cave.

Old School Evil   Old School Evil: The Rejects

In the same group of booths, we also have Jade Griffin with her Lacy Moore books and furries, Jacci Turner with her books, including The Tree Singer, and LF Falconer with her latest book, The Star Catcher and others, along with her Le Fey Jewelry offerings.

So, please stop by and see us and chat for a bit. I’m looking forward to meeting people!
