… Have I got an author for you to check out!
I have been wanting to start doing author reviews and features here at the Loft, so the Ninja Writers Science Fiction and Fantasy promotion is the perfect time to launch it. As I mentioned before, this is an epic opportunity for you to pick up FREE books to reads by talented authors that you might not have read yet. You can visit the promotion here.
On Sunday, I introduced you to J.R. Bournville and today, I’m pleased to interview Steampunk and paranormal author, Bec McMaster.

Bec is a member of RWA, who writes sexy, dark paranormal, and adventurous steampunk romances. Like many of us, she says she grew up with her nose in a book. Following a life-long love affair with fantasy, she discovered romance novels as a 16 year-old, and naturally combined the two in her own stories.
Bec lives in a small country town in Victoria, Australia, with a Staffordshire terrier named Kobe, who has perfected her own Puss-in-boots sad eyes–especially when bacon is involved; and demanding chickens, Siggy and Lagertha. It’s possible she has a minor obsession with Vikings, and The Originals.
For the NWSFF giveaway, Bec is offering Nobody’s Hero, the first book of her The Burned Land series. Doesn’t that cover make you eager to meet Riley Kincaid and that handsome hunk she’s got clutched? I just started reading this book and I can say that it has a tense, intriguing beginning and I can’t wait to read more. Oh, for more free time in my day! Speaking of free, did I mention you can read this book for FREE?
Loft: Thanks for dropping in. Tell us a little about the books you write.
Bec: I write a few series at the moment, all of them action-adventure paranormal romance to some degree.
The first is my London Steampunk: The Blue Blood Conspiracy series, which is a company of spies in a steampunk Victorian London, trying to discover who is behind a dangerous anarchist group. Think thrilling rooftop chases, dirigible flights, sexy corsets—and roguish heroes.
The second is my Dark Arts trilogy, featuring three cursed brothers in a Victorian occult society, who have to work together to break the curse. It’s all demons, determined young ladies who can kick-bustle, and sorcery.
And the third is The Burned Lands, my gritty post-apocalyptic romance series, in which three monsters have to overcome impossible odds to save themselves—and the heroines who are determined to love them. Basically Mad Max meets shifter romance.
Loft: I can’t wait to read the Steampunk. It’s such a charming genre. Your books are fun, romantic, and imaginative. What provides the inspiration for them?
Bec: Everything and anything I see or read. I have to give a huge amount of credit to ’80’s fantasy movies though. My Dad is a total geek, and so I spent my childhood watching movies with him, like Ladyhawke, Labyrinth, The Princess Bride, The Lost Boys, Star Wars etc… I think that’s definitely where my love of stories with a fantasy or SF edge came about, which flavors my novels today.
Loft: I’m right along with you on that selection of films. Some of your books are paranormal, like the Dark Arts series. I’d like to know what your favorite paranormal creature is and what about it intrigues you.
Bec: I don’t know that I have a particular favorite (dragons, maybe?), but in my books, there’s always a dark edge to my paranormal creatures. I love exploring the monster side of popular tropes like vampires or werewolves—it’s the ultimate Beauty and the Beast theme.
Loft: Definitely! Creatures with a dark side that can be turned a little always have an exciting edge. If you could go back in time and advise your younger writing self, what would you say?
Bec: Be patient. All those years of writing and not selling are going to improve your craft, so when the time comes you’re ready.
Loft: Good advice for anyone. If you didn’t write, what would you be doing to pay the bills?
Bec: Travel agent! The year before my first novel sold, I was studying to get my Tourism diploma. I’m obsessed with all things travel, though writing is my one true love.
Loft: Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions.
To find out more about Bec, please visit her website at http://www.becmcmaster.com. You can also follow her on Twitter @BecMcMaster or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/BecMcMaster. Be sure to check out the NWSFF Giveaway this week and download your own FREE copy of Nobody’s Hero. You’re welcome.
Author Interview Blog Hop: Read more about some of the authors in the Ninja Writers SciFi and Fantasy Giveaway by going here,

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