I hope all of you are doing well and staying healthy during this difficult time for all of us. Please take extra care and avoid any close contact with anyone.

I popped into Los Angeles at the beginning of this month for a convention with the Peter Wingfield Fan Club. Peter used to be an actor on Highlander the Series where he played Methos. He’s since become a doctor and is currently on a fellowship in Los Angeles. It was great to see everyone in the fan club again and to catch up with Peter and Jim Byrnes (Joe Dawson in the series) as well as the show runner for the series, David Abramowitz. We were just starting to hear about COVID-19, which has dominated our lives every since, so we felt lucky to have managed to sneak in a get together of over fifty people and get away unscathed.
Editing Begins in Earnest
Yeah, I am behind in my schedule for the sequel to Time Walker. The book is basically written, but I am just getting started in the editing process. April is Camp Nano, one of the two lesser events sponsored by the NaNoWriMo people. While I had originally intended to write a new novel, I’ve decided to devote the entire month to getting Splintered Time edited and ready for my beta readers.
Speaking of beta readers, I am looking for a few more willing folks to read and comment on the beta copy of the book. I need the feedback from readers to make the book the best I can and to help me look for weak points and plot holes. So it’s a really important job. If you’d like to give it a try, please email at lily@lillianwolfe.me and I’ll add you to the list. The only things I ask are that you read it within one month and give me honest notes.
Sale on the Funeral Singer series!
All five e-books of my Funeral Singer series are now available for 99-cents each at all book outlets – Kindle, Nook, Kobo, and Apple – through April 4th. If you go here you’ll find a link to the first book (A Song for Marielle) at each of the available sellers. This series is complete.
Until next time when I hope I can tell you that Splintered Time is edited and out to beta readers, I am signing off. I wish you well. Escape into fantasy or a distant world. Read a book to pass the time while you’re stuck at home.
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