A little under two weeks until the start of NaNoWriMo on November 1st and novel prep is underway. I will be writing the first book in, what I plan to be a series, called Funeral Singer: A Song for Marielle. It’s a paranormal mystery, think a Ghost Whisperer type of story. I am so excited about writing this story and I have the plot worked out, although stories do tend to take side excursions on me as I am writing.
This past week was spent with the characters more and getting the background for them worked out. I am still adding to them, but most of them have names and histories and are beginning to “come to life” in my brain. You know you’re succeeding when they start talking to you. I think I am getting close to at least my main character speaking up. That’s always a fun time in the writing process.
Even though my NaNo Reno group met on Friday to work on plot and characters, we didn’t really plot much or do much character building, but did get better acquainted and talked quite a bit about writing. Two of us had signed up for the webinar on using Scrivener for NaNo that was presented by author Joanna Penn and Joseph Michael, who offers training on the program. I have been using the program about a month now and absolutely love it for any writing project. But this webinar showed us quite a few tricks and learning how Joanna has used it during NaNoWriMo was a bonus. So, we talked a little about the cool features in the program and how much more there is to learn about it.

Yesterday, I went out with the roomie looking for a little inspiration in, of all places, cemeteries. I also wanted to get a renewed sense of the feeling in the mausoleums, chapels and along the rows of graves, new and old. As I was taking a few photos, I had the feeling that I was intruding at times. I found myself offering prayers and well wishes to any ghosts that might still haunt these areas.
I went to the Old Hillside Cemetery near the University of Nevada Reno campus. Graves in it date back to the Civil War era, but it is a sad-looking place. Fences surround the various sections of it to prevent vandalism. Oddly, there were a few newer-looking gravestones for very old graves so the families of these people are trying to maintain those graves. I’ve heard that there are some who wish to move the graves to a new location so that this area might be used for student housing. Stories relate that there are at least two ghosts who haunt this graveyard and possibly more. I am not prone to seeing ghosts, but there are times that I do feel a presence. I also believe that moving the grave will not move the ghost with it.
One of the cemeteries was the Catholic one at the north of town. I stood among the graves of the innocents, the babies that had died, some not even one day old and yet offerings of flowers showed that they were still remembered and loved. One grave of a 12-year-old girl, who died several years ago, had a freshly carved pumpkin and autumn flowers on it. Very touching. I want to remember all of this when I begin writing my book in November.